Friday 4 July 2008

3 Steps to Cost-Effective Acne Scar Removal

How much will removing your acne scars cost? That depends on several factors like, how severe is your scarring is; how deep on the scars are and will do you the scar correction yourself or pay a skin care professional. Regardless of how your get rid of your scars, you can save big money by using these three simple tips.

Tip 1: Get active acne under control firstWould you start investing your hard money on a wood deck if you knew that you had an out of control termite problem? Of course not, because those termites would get eat away your money and ruin a perfect deck. The same reasoning applies to acne scar removal. Before you spend a nickel on pricey skin treatments like lasers, chemical peels and microdermabrasion, make sure that you at least have your acne outbreaks under control.

If you acne is not under control, you may only get to enjoy your flawless skin a few weeks as new pimple arrive and leave behind marks. A good sign that your skin is transitioning from active to more controlled is that you experience less cystic or nodular acne. Another indication that your acne situation is improving is that your pimples develop more superficially as opposed in the deeper tissues of the skin and the lesions are less painful.

Once your acne outbreaks are less frequent and the lesion count drops, then it is time to seriously consider acne scar removal.

Tip 2: Make your skin healthier to speed the repair processAnother way to save big money on removing scars is to speed up your skin's repair time. You can do this with common liquids. For starters, reduce your alcohol intake because laboratories studies have demonstrated that having consumed alcohol impairs the skin ability to grow new skin cells and blood cells after an injury, like a popped pimple.

Moreover, a report from Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research found that alcohol consumption reduces the inflammatory response after receiving wounds. Proper wound repair involves several steps and inflammation typically occurs once the skin has been compromised by a cut, gash, or in the case of acne scarring, excessive squeezing.

Just replace your alcohol consumption with water because even the slightest degree of dehydration can slow down wound healing. Additionally, dehydration reduces blood flow and increases in chances of a wound infection.

Tip 3: Use home remedies to reduce acne scarringYou can reduce the severity of your acne scarring by giving yourself a few at-home cosmetic treatments. For instance, if your acne scars are dark, you can use lemon juice to lighten them. Dab one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball and smooth it over the acne marks. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse. Use caution with lemon juice because it can make your skin photosensitive. And so, make sure to use a sunscreen on any area you treat with lemon juice prior to going out into the sun.

Next, you can polish the look of your skin with a down-home microdermabrasion. Often times a version of baking soda is used in cosmetic microdermabrasion treatments. You can give yourself a mini microdermabrasion treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scars for sixty seconds then rinse it off.

You can start taking simple steps today to reverse all the signs of acne scarring. And when you do decide to seek professional help to remove your acne marks, you will have saved yourself a lot of money.


Fitzgerald, Daniel J, Katherine A Radek, Mitchell Chaar, Douglas E Faunce, Luisa A DiPietro, Elizabeth J Kovacs. Effects of acute ethanol exposure on the early inflammatory response after excisional injury. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research; February 2007, vol 31, no 2, pp 317-323.

Wipke-Tevis, Deidre D & Donna A Williams. Effect of oral hydration on skin microcirculation in healthy young and midlife and older adults. Wound Repair and Regeneration; March-April 2007, vol 15, no 2, pp 174-185.
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Acne Scars Removal and Remedies

Acne scars are the marks which are left after the acne. Acne scars can take as long as twelve months to remove on their own.
Acne scars are mostly seen on the face and it can be removed by using certain medicines. Acne scars are more appear in women than the men. The pores of the skin become clogged and the person gets inflamed and non inflamed lesions. Women can have acne at the age of 25 to 35 years. The causes of acne scars are acne and the hair follicles on the skin become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. The several causes of acne scar are hormonal changes, body’s inflammatory response to sebum. The symptoms of acne scar are blackheads, red spot, painful, papules, pimples, nodules. The best approach is prevention and to treat acne right away as sometimes even mild acne can cause scarring, this can minimize the risk of permanent acne scars.

Types of acne

* Ice pick scars are deep pitted scars with steep edges.
* Pitted scars happen when the underlying skin tissue has been damaged.
* Atrophic macules are usually fairly small when they occur on the face, but may be a centimeter or larger on the body.
* Rolling scars - Scars that give the skin a wave-like appearance.
* Pigmented scars are marks left behind after the acne has cleared up.

Home Remedies for acne scars

There are some treatments and medications which help in reducing acne scars. There are so many home remedies used for the acne scars which are very beneficial and not have any more side effects. Some times for the removal of the acne permanent treatments also required.

* Sandalwood is very effective in treating acne scars.
* Balanced and nutritious diet should be taken to heal the acne scars.
* Apply a paste of gram flour, curdFind Article, turmeric and lemon juice and leave for 10-20 minutes
* Mild scars can be treated with bleaching creams.
* Punch Techniques are used for the acne scar.
* The laser resurfacing is used for the acne scar.
* Apple cider vinegar is very useful for the removal of acne scars.

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Saturday 28 June 2008

Acne Scar Removal - Painless Acne Removal

The more severe forms of acne can leave permanent scars in their wake. The two most common types of scars are "ice pick," or pitting scars and "depressed," or crater-like scars.
Acne breakouts are caused by a variety of environmental, gene, and age factors, even stress!Acne (whiteheads and blackheads) are caused by an infection of the skin when p.acne bacteria and oil are trapped below the skin surface.Acne treatment and acne scar removal include lasers, chemical peels and physician grade topical skin care products. Acne removal laser treatments are relatively painless, have no down time, and are should only be administered by experienced medical staff.There are two broad classifications for laser treatment. One is ablative or resurfacing and another is nonablative. In the former method the impinged laser radiation is absorbed by the water molecules of the cells in the affected skin surface. This absorption process is instantly followed by immediate vaporization of water from the cells causing destruction of the cells and the associated scarred cutaneous layer. Thus the damaged skin layer gets peel off and the biological process of dermal collagen production rate gets faster to cover up the area with new healthy skin. Nonablative laser techniques are noninvasive and far more effective than the former one with less downtime. It does not cause any impairment to the epidermal skin layer. In this technique the affected area is initially made extremely cool with a blast of cryogenic spray and this cooling process is instantly followed by a ray of laser beam. This heats up the sebaceous glands and triggers natural collagen formation thereby softening and flattening the deep acne scars from within without harming your skin texture.Treatment for acne scars:Specific dermatological procedures to minimize acne scars will be determined by your physician based on: * your age, overall health, and medical history * severity of the scar * type of scar * your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies * your opinion or preferenceAcne scars are generally treated using one or more of the following treatments; Dermabrasion, Laser Resurfacing, Chemical Peels, Punch TechniquesFree Web Content, Subcision or Augmentation. These treatments vary in price and in effectiveness. A high price does not always mean the most success for you so weigh each option and its proven results carefully.

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Acne Scars

Acne is an inflammation of the skin that affects people from every country and every culture around the world. In the US, acne is predominantly thought of as a teenage dilemma, as more than eighty percent of teens and preteens will develop some form of acne. However, the condition certainly affects a large number of adults and even infants. The scientific name for the condition is acne vulgaris because acne usually strikes in plainly visible locations such as the face, neck, chest and back. There are various types of acne that range in annoyance, severity, and healing time. The most severe type of acne may even lead scars that if not treated properly, may be visible for a lifetime. If you or a loved one is troubled by severe acne, here's what you need to know about acne scars and what you need to do to avoid and care for them.

How Does Acne Form?

Contact with an oily substance such as mineral oil, vegetable oil, or petroleum is a potential cause of acne, as is the use of certain medication and steroids. However, acne is most often cause by the secretion of androgens. Acne is also aggravated by milk or dairy products, red meat and fast food. Androgens are sex hormones that are initially secreted at the onset of puberty. They are male hormones but they are secreted by females as well. Androgens stimulate the production of oil from the skin's oil glands. Acne occurs when these overactive oil glands become blocked, causing the oil to build up in the gland and swell. A bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes normally colonizes this swollen gland causing the development of inflammation and pus. In particularly severe cases, the glands may burst into the skin and produce cysts.

Types Of Acne

Acne blemishes are categorized into four grades, ranging from mild to very severe.

Grade I: Mild acne falls into this category. People with grade I acne generally have blackheads and whiteheads but pimples are not present.

Grade II: The condition is considered moderate acne when blackheads, whiteheads, and small pimples are present, but they are confined to the face and the inflammation they cause is minimal.

Grade III: Severe acne includes blackheads, whiteheads, and deeper pimples with more pronounced swelling.

Grade IV: acne is considered very severe when it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result if the condition is not cared for properly.

Preventing Acne Scars

The most important rule for acne sufferers to remember is that you should never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead to the spread of acne and the development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of herbal, homeopathic, and traditional formulas that can be used to treat acne and prevent the development of acne scars. Herbs work naturally with the body to reduce acne blemishes and prevent the development of acne scars. Echinacea and poke root are often used for their anti-inflammatory properties and red clover may be beneficial for its estrogenic action. Witch hazel has excellent astringent properties and may be very effective on acne.

Relieving Acne Scars

Acupuncture: Stagnant of Chi in the channels of the face is said to be the cause of acne. Acupuncture performed on these points of the face may help relieve acne, and prevent the development of acne scars.

Surgery: In moderate to severe cases of acne, doctors may use surgery to open up the blemishes and remove blackheads and whiteheads. Unlike medication treatments, the effects of acne surgery are usually more immediate. And surgery is also effective in reducing the development and visibility of acne scars.

Cleaning the intestinal Tract: Acne can be a by-product of a filthy intestinal tract and colon. In most cases when the colon is clean the acne will go away. I recommend the intestinal cleanser Oxy-Powder.

Other remedies include the skin rejuvenation program including 3 products: Oxy-SkinHealth Fitness Articles, Oxy-Zap and a strong Aloe Vera concentrate available at These products should help prevent acne scarring.

Dr. Group is heads the research and development division at

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Friday 21 December 2007

Chemical Peeling Or Lasers

Acne treatment is incomplete without removing the dirty looking acne scars. Acne may go away but the scars remain for a lifetime. Many treatments are suggested for treatment of acne scars. Out of these chemical peeling and laser are very popular. Let us compare both of them.

Acne scars- treatment with chemical peeling-

Chemical peeling is one of the popular cosmetic procedures to remove old skin and get a fresh new skin. Chemical peeling is also called derma-peeling or chemexfoliation. As the name implies, in this procedure, the skin is peeled off with chemicals and when the new skin grows it is fresh and with lesser sun damage and wrinkles. Depending on the strength of the peeling chemical, the peeling procedure may be called- superficial, medium-depth or deep. The name refers to the depth of the skin to which the chemical peels off the old skin.

The common chemicals used for chemical peeling are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), trichloroacetic acid and phenol. Your doctor may also choose other chemicals to get the desired result. With superficial peeling, you can go back to work immediately while after getting medium or deep peeling done, you may have to let the new skin grow for some days before you go out. The pain and trouble associated with peeling also depends on the depth to which peeling is done. Superficial peeling will remove fine lines, wrinkles etc. while with deep peeling, deep scars and pre-cancerous sun damage gets removed.

Acne scars- treatment with lasers

A laser is focused high energy light. The scientific name of LASER is 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation'. Ordinary light emits photons in all the directions and consists of many wavelengths. Unlike that, laser emits photons in a single direction and consists of a single wavelength. Laser therefore has very high energy and can be focused on any object or in any direction. In laser skin resurfacing, the laser burns away the unwanted skin tissues bloodlessly and gives a new shape with precise control.

Laser resurfacing is a bloodless process and doctors can control the resurfacing more accurately with it. The risk of infection is also low with this procedure. With latest lasers available, this process is revolutionizing the procedure of facial resurfacing and scar removal.

Both lasers and chemical peeling give good results. Lasers are more expensive than chemical peeling. Lasers can also be controlled much better than chemical peeling. But chemical peeling is much cheaper.

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